Our Story (History of the Club)

Icon of friends Lagos aka The Icon is a brain child of some of our pioneer members who came together as
catholic faithful and decided to handpick people of likeminded and great integrity in the year 2015. These
people are famous set of people admired by others and are seen as symbol of a particular idea or way of
life who are conscious of the need to preserve and promote their image, integrity, unity, peace and
progress of members and the needy in the society at large. We are also dished to render selfless services
and enkindle in the members and mankind a deep sense of care and patriotism together with the welfare,
happiness and developments of members. The formation of Icon of friends is not an accident and not a
chance event; rather it germinated at momentous period of our history as a group of persons which has
now expanded as a club.
It was established under the presiding officer Mr. Calistus Akor to enable members create recreational
centers for them to relax and ease out tension after the week’s work especially on weekends. Its formation
thus enabled members know themselves, interact, network and synergize in their various fields of
endeavors for their individual and collective betterment. In the vision of the founding members, love is
the key, and the driving force of this vision is encapsulated in our choice of the motto of the club from
Proverb 3:5-6: “In God We Trust” meaning that God knows everything we are going through at this very
moment and what we will go through in the future. He knows the best way to handle every situation so
that we will get the best possible outcome. The choice of the logo of the club; “Adorable handshake”
interlocked together, further symbolizes the bond of unity that should exist among the members, a bond
of love that should be all embracing and should have no room for grudge, ill-feeling or dislike for one
another. Therefore, our mission is to maintain the integrity of men and enhance Human development.
Our aims
➢ To foster friendship, love and understanding among members.
➢ To work together for mutual benefits of members by assisting one another jointly and severally.
➢ To encourage and inculcate good leadership qualities in members.
➢ To promote the welfare and progress of members.
➢ To encourage and promote investments:
➢ The Icon as a club shall ensure that members engage in joint investments for the benefits of
members and Icon as a club.
Membership is open to all, irrespective of race, Christianity or tribe but must be a married Christian with
family. The club is non-political.
I regret to bring up our Sad moment when we lost our indefatigable legal luminary Barr. Vincent
Obianoyi. He was a man of moment when he was alive. May his eternal soul rest in peace. Amen.
Icon of friends Lagos grew in leaps and bounds of Nigeria with the establishment of only one branch but
hope to expand in due time, although we have members in diaspora but yet to establish a branch abroad.
Secretary General
Amadi Sabastine