Our Story(History of the club

Icon of Friends Lagos a.k.a The Icon is a brainchild of five(5) pioneer members who came together as Catholic faithful and decided to hunt for people of likeminded and great integrity in the year 2016.


Membership of the ICON shall be opened to:
i. The person is adjudged by members to be of high repute and integrity
ii. Has a visible means of livelihood
iii. Is not below the age of thirty (30) years.
iv. Is of good character and conduct.

Executive Committee

The policy formulation of the Club is carried out by the Trustees and the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive committee are elected annually at the general meeting.


Working together for mutual benefits of members by assisting one another

Promoting the welfare, happiness and developments of members

Foster friendship, love and understanding among members

Promoting the welfare and progress of members

Be on the look out! Youth/Children Get Together Coming Soon!